The often dark and wet month of November is a good opportunity to listen to legends, fairy tales, poems and short stories which will make you feel tension but which will make you smile as well. Of course there will also be a tasty English breakfast at Romantikhotel Bösehof. So be courageous and join the meeting.
Rubrik: Weitere Themen
Kategorie: Englisch | VHS Exklusiv | Literatur, Schreibwerkstatt
Anbieter: vhs Landkreis Cuxhaven
Leitung: Heidrun Pargmann
Umfang: 4,00 Unterrichtsstunden
Bad Bederkesa; Hotel Bösehof
Hauptmann-Böse-Straße 19
27624 Geestland
Kosten: 50 Euro